
To produce a mixed range of multidisciplinary art pieces that informs and questions the thoughts on death and the conflicting belief of the afterlife.

Development of practical skills gained during BA Decorative Arts incorporating the elements of material investigative skills into a fine art practice.

To develop a greater awareness of textile, and video installation art that incorporates the endeavour of making: with a researching of relevant artists working within this field.

Research Questions

How can the notions and conventions of death and the afterlife be questioned and challenged through the use of multidisciplinary art?

How can material’s and art forms reflect the intended connotations?

What sociologically implications are placed within the area of belief in the afterlife?

Is it possible to create work in this context that has no direct significance to religious doctrines?

What solution overcomes the involvment of audience interaction?

What historical implications support or dismiss the belief of an afterlife?

Of whom can I ask questions
Peer groups
Gallery Exhibition Organisers
Art Organisations

Who are the intended users/observers

None specific

Major areas worth investigating

· Exhibitions/works of established artists working in a similar way.
· Theories of life after death.
· Religious attributes and connotations of the afterlife.
· The scientific explanations of death and the afterlife.
· Historical suggestions and metaphors.
· Artist’s researching and working within a similar context.
· How death is portrayed in the contemporary art world within the media of textiles and multidisciplinary art forms.

The rational of my project

The possibility of there being life after death is a mystery, there is no proven fact that it may even exist, but through the ages, fact or fiction; people hold the belief that there is life after death. It is with curiosity and personal memory that the intention is to further explore this avenue of interest and use the philosophical and sociological aspects to forward my own contextualised practice. Various research within the area of life after death will be investigated in partnership to creating the visual art practice.

Research will be undertaken within the area of textile art and multi disciplinary material investigation using the concept of death and theoretical implications of the afterlife. These will be assessed and researched to broaden my knowledge of this subject. The area of death and the afterlife will be researched within a wider context, as of yet I am unsure on what direction I will be following, although through the variety of research I intend to narrow this down and develop a range of multidisciplinary art outcomes.

Learning Goal/Assessment Outcome 1

To produce a range of visual art forms which incorporate a time based element by either process or audience interaction.

Learning Goal/Assessment Outcome 2

To gain a clear understanding on significant theories on the area of death and the afterlife. Creating written reflection that highlights the chosen areas researched and the understanding of such notions.

Learning Goal/Assessment Outcome 3

To gain and develop new skills with technology and the placing of video projection within the art practice.

Learning Goal/Assessment Outcome 4

To develop knowledge in professional project proposals for commissioned art practice. Writing and submitting proposals to exhibition and art institutions for funding and exhibiting. To participate in the undertaking of curating an exhibition.